Skyrim stealth archer meme
Skyrim stealth archer meme

skyrim stealth archer meme

The info that circulates because of that shit isn't even accurate. In any case, personally I'm far more over the punchcat meme. I guess you could argue the fun lies in the fact that if you are detected, you will have to scramble to come up with a way to defeat opponents you aren't fit to fight face-to-face. I like having multiple ways to approach a combat situation, and sneak archery just ends up being the same exact thing every time. But I tend to prefer more fast-paced and risky combat, so even most of the archers I've run have been designed for CQC, or else have been predicated around avoiding damage through more creative means than simply being unseen.

skyrim stealth archer meme

I've played sneak archers a couple times and they were fine. All my playthroughs except maybe the first two or three back in 2011 have been pretty meticulously planned out in advance. For me, much of the fun of playing Skyrim lies in exploring the different mechanics and play styles, which I can wrap up in a backstory and/or lore framework using certain gear, race, etc.

Skyrim stealth archer meme